Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Vampires, Maidens and Lions, Oh My!

Yup, last night was Halloween and the kids, my Mom and I all went out trick-or-treating! I have lots of pictures(of course) and will put them all here :)

First off, the Pumpkins!
The Cat Face/Paw Print Pumpkin was carved by my oldest, and the guys of the family came up with the other one. It's devilish hard to take a decent picture of a lit pumpkin :( Those were the best of a bad lot.

We were all very pleased with the boy's costume this year and my oldest grabbed photos while I was making him up:

Surprisingly even though my youngest has head lice and she's not big on any holiday (gee I wonder where I got it from?*laugh*) my Mom came and walked with us and helped me with our littlest trick or treater:

Here's the whole crew ready to go get their candy!

Great fun was had by all!

Of course the littlest's first request on waking this morning?:"I want Candy!" *sigh* Now begins the parcelling out of candy...for the next 6 months! Our candy lasts a long time even when I allow it a couple times a day for the first little while. Now us girls all get to look forward to our oldest is up first on November 4th and I'm really looking forward to seeing her face when she gets her gift from me!!

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Anonymous said...

Cute costumes - looks like everyone had a great time.

Vix said...

Everyone looks awesome! Glad y'all had a good halloweenie.

semele said...

Great, now I'm gonna be singing Manamana all day. :p

Cute kids.