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Sunday, November 05, 2006

I am somewhere near the summit of Mount Washmore!!

Yup...busy busy day and I think at the end I have actually washed, dried and folded over 10 loads of laundry and put most of it away as well! I'm beat!

My day started out rotten; another stomach ache woke me up at 3 in the morning and again at 4:30am so I stayed up for a bit and at 5:30/6:00am went back to bed feeling better buy still tired. At about 6:30ish J sent M down to join me in the double bed (or the "Big Bed" as she calls it). I talked to her for a little while and then we both fell asleep until 8am, it was very very nice!!

J left for his Sunday workout at the Y (he's down to 342lbs now!!) but made oatmeal for everyone before he left so I had a nice breakfast and started the chore of dealing with all the stuff I had tossed down the basement stairs the day before. By noon I only had 12 loads to go. Now? Hold on I have to go count: 1 load in the washer, 1 in the dryer, 2 blankets (that's 2 loads), a load in a basket ready to go in the machine, and about 4 in a heaping pile in J and I's hamper...oh and 2 loads of throw cushions!= 11 loads...but some of that is new and I hadn't counted it at noon...the laundry is breeding in the corners. All of A's laundry is done except for two of his extra blankets. I only have one more dirty load of K&M's laundry to do and all their clean stuff is put away. Hopefully I'll be able to finish off all this tomorrow and go back to two loads a day and stay on top of it this time!

Also today I did all my usual stuff: cleaned up the kitchen and vacuumed. I also washed the girls bedroom floor and then J & I put together their bunk bed. With J doing the figuring out of instructions (or destructions as we call them in our house) and telling me what went where it was actually a very low stress job. He and I make a good team, one of the many reasons I love him. The girls Love their new bed; K because it is lower than her old loft bed so she can now sit up without risking hitting her head and M because she's finally in a 'big girl' bed. Of course J and I have taken to calling it a 'Monkey bed' because that's what M calls it. She sure was climbing around on it like a monkey before we put the mattress supports in!! She looks tiny on a twin mattress rather than a crib mattress.

I did a complete organize of A's room (again-I swear I do one every 3 months) so his room looks great! The loft bed looks wonderful in there and he likes it as well.

Hmmm...what else? That's pretty much it...I just had a good day over all. I got a lot done around the house and tomorrow I get to go back to the Y and start my workouts again after a whole week off! I shudder to think what the scale is going to tell me...I'll put it in here though so everyone knows what a slacker I've been this week! I'll be doing M's second (and last hopefully) lice treatment tomorrow morning before we go and do another check of her head. I think I have them beat.

Speaking of beat...I have got to go get some sleep. Another busy day tomorrow!

Cass :)

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