Blog Archive

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My name is Mommy...and I am a Sims2 Addict.

"Hello Mommy!" *grin*

Actually I had to make a call today on just how much I was doing with my Sim Game. I am a very active member in a very fun group called Sim Swap where we exchange families and tell stories about them. I enjoy it a great deal, or did until recently. Sadly, although I will remain an active member, I will no longer be in the active rotation. I will, instead, play what we call 'Filler Families' which are families that don't have a set deadline when the stories have to be in. For the next while I'll just be playing for fun.

I tried to take it easy today but didn't really get the chance. M has been very demanding recently and likes to spend time with me and does not like me to spend time on the computer or on the phone. I know she's only going to be this small for a very short time so I try to spend as much time as I can handle, without feeling overwhelmed, with her.

Really with a face like this how can I resist her when she tells me she wants to snuggle with me and not to leave her alone to go on the computer??

So I made that call and chose to cut back on my computer time to keep myself on task with the kids and my housework(icky!) and to keep my sanity intact as well. I feel better for it already!

Tomorrow is M's 3rd birthday so my next Blog entry will be her birth story; my more squeamish readers(yes Viras this means you) may want to skip that one! Until then...I remain, as always, 'Mommy'.

Cass :)

1 comment:

CanadianMama said...

3 years already ? No way is "little M" getting that big already.

Happy Birthday little darling.