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Monday, November 06, 2006

"The best reward for a job... a job well done." I don't know who said it but it came to mind today as I was ranting to myself about the thankless job of being a housewife. I gave the kids some flak for making me repeat myself. Gave K a mini-lecture about the fact I had asked her 6 times to put away her clean laundry(that I washed dried and folded, all she has to do is put it in her closet). In the process of cleaning up the kitchen in preparation for supper I did my best to calm down again because I've heard the rant coming from my mouth a little too often lately; "If I do nothing, no one says anything. If I do everything, no one says anything.".

I got to thinking...because that's always better than whining; Does anyone feel like their work is appreciated? Does my sweet man who goes to work everyday and stops on his way home or on his way to the Y to get something for us at home, feel appreciated? Probably not. The poor man walks into the house way too often lately to me bitching about my day or the kids or the fact I 'don't wanna' do something-like make supper. So I said to myself; "You're going to have to get your payback by doing it and seeing it done." I also have to get my glow as soon as it's done because with housework you always have to do it again...and again and again and, oh yes, again.

So I'm doing my best to stay on the housework bandwagon...and I'll try not to fall off and neglect it but I also have to try not to turn into Mrs. Uber Clean and spend all my time yelling at the kids for messing up a job I just did. This is their home as well and they are kids...they have a right to have a little fun and make a mess. I'll just have to make sure I, Calmly, instruct them to help clean it up at the end of the day.

So that was my life lesson today...too bad I had to be so miserable to hear myself being a Negativity Monster. I think I'll just sit back and dig that silver lining for a while...ohhhhhh shiny !

Cass :)

1 comment:

olamina said...

Hey there. Been reading your blog and just thought I would say i "feel" ya lady. Being a SAHM, or even just a "mommy" is quite a job and it is nice to know I am not alone. Anyway, I love your blog over here now, the pics and movies are such a nice touch. The one with the screaming lady had me laughing. I feel like that sometimes! Anyway, I hope M is lice free now and that your kitty is feeling better. And remember, you are appreciated by your fam even if they don't say it. Just think how terrible their lives would be if you weren't there? Sure, in your absense they would realize how much you mean to them, and that is unfair that they can't realize that before, but unfortunately that is the life of "mommy." Today hubby had a dinner with the Neurology faculty, fellow residents, and prospective residents for 2008. Erik had volunteered to pick up 4 residents and since he drives a tiny economy car he wanted to use my usual car, an SUV (Expedition). Since I am carting around 3 little heathens (lol) everyday, it tends to stay in a constant state of messiness so he says this morning that I need to clean it since he would be using in in the evening. He says this to me over breakfast time which is always hectic for me with 3 little mouths to feed all at once so I nod, even though i know today is a real busy day (Coya has gymnastics in the evening, Storm has 3 hours of Pre-K) But I clean the car (vacuum and wipe the inside down and get rid of everything that doesn't belong in there) and when he gets home (at 10) we chat and then it dons on me. I tell him with a smile about how he did not ask me in the nicest way to do the last minute favor for him (hubby is a sweety, just not the most aware of how things come out of his mouth) and before i finished he thanked me and admitted he was thoughtless. Anyway, it was nice to know he realized it, however late. Usually I would have caught his carelessness at the time, but when you are busy, you can't nit-pick everything.