Blog Archive

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me...Happy Birthday to Me...

*sigh* I had a nice Blog planned...really I did...with a few pics from the camera and everything. Now I can't find the camera. Yup, I had it in my hand when I came downstairs...I remember the feeling in my hand when I put it down to talk to J for a few minutes before going on the computer(which reminds me I forgot to post something else while I was on...And I forgot to give Kitty his pill as well*grumble*) . J just said "Did you put it in the washing machine?" Oh I hope not! *sigh* dang my memory, I hate it when I misplace things. I recently misplaced a binder of mine I use for my gaming notes and it took me 2 days to find it again! It was maddening...I could remember putting it somewhere and thinking "Okay, M won't be able to bother it there," and do you think I could picture where it was? No, I couldn't. So although I'm pretty sure I put the camera(in it's case) down on something soft...that's as far as I can this point it could very well be in the washer...

Ah well...nothing I can do about it now. I had a good birthday. It started with J singing me "Happy birthday" with a candle in a cinnamon bun and a very funny B-Day card and a Book; Eldest by Christopher Paolini. J then went to work out while I got the kids ready for school and sent them on their way. When he came back we had tea and J, M & I hit the mall. We had lunch at the food court(but had salad rather than fries with our burgers), then I bought the latest Stuff Pack for the Sims2 game, a new winter hat and scarf, and a basic little electronic organizer. Then we came home and I relaxed for a while. At 4:30pm I left the house again and did some shopping at the dollar store and then went to see Borat(which I don't recommend) with my best friend then we did a little more shopping.

In short I had a good day, the kids are in bed and I am beat. I am, as I said in my last post, glad to be 35 today...bring on my late 30s I can take it!*ha ha!* I hope the next 5 years brings many interesting people into my life that help me to grow as a person and mother. The last 5 certainly have!

Cass :)


Anonymous said...

Happy birhtday to you!
This has been a good year to know you you have lost alot of weight, been good to yourself and family. I want to let you know that inspires me.( I do recommed Borat)

CanadianMama said...

Happy Birthday Cass - even if this is coming in a few days late !