Blog Archive

Friday, November 03, 2006

Poor Kitty - Part Two

Yup...Kitty was limping again today*sigh* So, since this is the second time this week I've noticed him hurt and this time his poor leg was swollen(this time he was favouring his left front leg rather than his right) I called J at work and then the vet's office and made an appointment for him for this afternoon.

So when J got home we had a tea and then grabbed the cat carrier, had the houseful of kids(K has two friends over for a sleep-over-part of her birthday celebrations) looking for the cat because he made himself vanish when he saw the carrier. I got the cat...and discovered the easiest way to get him in the carrier: wrap cat firmly in a small blanket and slide him into the carrier. The blanket makes it easier on you(no scratches) and safer for the cat because it cannot manage to hook a whole lot with it's paw when it's wrapped in a blanket!

Anyway, off we went to the vets. Which wouldn't be as big a deal if we hadn't just dropped a hunk of cash on flea meds and the dog's thyroid pills. Never mind that they both have appointments for shots on the 10th*sigh*. Turns out Kitty has been fighting..we try to keep him inside but anyone with a cat and three kids knows how hard that can be...$80 later I think I'll try harder. So his leg is infected and I get to give him meds twice a day for the next week and then he gets to go back to the vet for shots...what fun*rolls eyes* I guess he managed to get a few swipes in as well because there was dried blood in his claws(Yay Kitty!) but the bite on his leg is infected and the infection is now in the muscle...Poor Kitty.

Yeah...eventful day and a house full of kids. K's birthday is tomorrow. My little girl is soon going to be a young lady of 11...where did the time go? I get to surprise her though...with the latest Sims2 EP that I told her I wouldn't be able to buy her until Christmas*chuckle* I am so looking forward to seeing the look on her face when she sees it's installed on her computer. I'll take a pic*grin* and post it here!

So I'm still hard at work getting her computer ready for the install...soon though and then bed for me!!

Cass :)

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