Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

General update...'cause I don't remember nothin'!

Yeah a few things I neglected to wrap up:

M's head lice appear to be history and I didn't even have to do the second treatment.

Kitty is feeling better and I'm managing his twice daily doses of antibiotics all right. The vet made it look easy but the first time I tried he scratched my one arm pretty good. I have it down now.

My weight in at the YMCA was a surprising 219 pounds down a full pound since I last weighed myself. Yay Me!! Please remember I was 247 pounds when we started at the YMCA the end of January 2006. J was 405 pounds(he's 5'7", I'm 5'5") he is now down to about 345 pounds and I am very very proud of him.

I didn't end up working out on Monday; I just did my 40 minute walk to the Y and then soaked in the hot tub and pampered was very nice! Today was Aquafit for me and I went and did it and walked home as well. I ended up taking a nap in the afternoon with my almost 3 year old, which was very nice.

Not much else...other than my 6 year old son, A, getting sent home from school on Tuesday because he wouldn't listen to his teacher(or the principle) and on the day that the lesson plan was focused on being polite and respectful! *pulls hair out* I have had to talk to the school a few times since A started(yes even when he was 4 and in Junior Kindergarten) and am not quite sure what I am supposed to do with him. He's reasonably good at home...*sigh*

That's pretty much it, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Cass :)

1 comment:

chsandra said...

Dear Cass, I want you to know I love you with all my heart. Happy Bday. Love Mom