Blog Archive

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Family Day: A pictoral entry.

Yes I took a lot of pictures today just to show everyone what a typical Family Day entails for us...well okay for me...because you know it's all about me*grin*.

We start out with a badly edited picture of the computer area clock (my old clock radio): I only realized after I took the picture that the flash would make the red numbers vanish...

Moving right along, as the older girls (K and her friend M) fought with little M to get her dressed A presented himself as the first one ready to go:He was ready once he fixed his shoes, they're on the wrong feet in the picture.

I finished getting little M ready and soon A & little M were waiting at the door:

The big girls then headed for the back door as well and I grabbed a shot of them in the kitchen beginning to get ready and yes that is A's head in the picture, A likes to be in every picture!

Old Dog wondered what was up when I tried to snap a picture of J and all I got was hand!

I did finally manage to grab a shot of J (which he hates) but he was smiling at me so I like it:

The big girls were finally ready to ham it up for the camera:

And I grabbed a final shot on the way out the door of the faithful stuffed animals waiting for Big and Little M's return:

We trooped out to the van and packed in:

We were on our way to the Y at last!

Once there we trooped back out of the van:

The first order of business was to get everyone into the change room and into their swimsuits, which is more involved than you might think. First we put our shoes and socks and coats in a locker near the front of the change room. Second I run and grab towels from the Women's Plus change room. Third I get the older girls into a change room with their suits and I take A and little M into another change room and get them and myself changed.

Then we can go shower and get into the pool. about a 1/2 hour later I get out with big and little M, leaving K and A in the care of their swim teacher and we go get dressed.

Then it's off to Minding for little M:

Then I nip back to the Plus change room again to grab more towels, you even need to punch in a code and little kids aren't allowed in. I love it there:

Once I grab the towels K & A's swim lesson is just about over so I head back to the Family change room and get them showered and dressed:

Then is the ordering and waiting for food from the Y cafe. Oh, and don't forget the waiting for a table. Most of which a tied up by people that are watching their kids in their lessons in the pool and not eating anything from the cafe at all. Usually a table opens up just about the time all the food is ready but I still get mad almost every weekend while I wait:

M has the most interesting way of eating:

After we eat it's time to go to Family Gym where the kids can play and have lots of fun:

What is little M looking at?

*laugh* It's big M!!

Then we went home. K & big M called T over and they all went out shopping for a late birthday present for T, then hit McDonald's and came back here to wake me from my nap I was having with little M to tell me they were going to T's next. If you're wondering where J is during our family day, he goes and works out and usually meets up with us at the cafe just when the kids and I are heading for the gym..then he eats and watches the kids play from the safety of a bench on the other side of the glass that surrounds the gym. He does drive us there and it's his money that pays for the lunch and he drives us home again. Then we all veg for the rest of the day...well except for me. I do laundry and nap and read and Blog.

So there you go...Family Day in pictures. I think I need another nap...

Cass :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was fun! Great to see all of you. Tanya