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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Thoughts...think happy thoughts.

So today on our way to the Y for our family day and J and M began their usual game of "Where's the Y? Do you see the Y, M?" just after going over the bumpy wooden bridge(where I always comment-"I can't believe you took me over this when I was in labour with M.").

The where is the Y game is very funny though. J and M play it every single time we drive to the Y as a family. As we start up the road where we can finally see the Y, M always says "I see the Y!" and J says "Where? Over there?" and points in any direction but the Y. M gleefully corrects J about 3 times before he finally says "Oh! There it is!" *grin* It is funny every single time :)

That got me to thinking about other good and funny things in my last little while so I got a few flashes that made me smile:

A and J talking about Pirates of the Caribbean and J saying 'Johnny Depp' in conversation to which A replies, with the actions to suit, "Arg! I'm Johnny Deaf! I can't see!" and begins staggering around the living room. J and I laughed a lot and he reminded me of the time Adam said Darth Vader was called Dark Vader because he wore black*laughs*.

*grin* Oh and on the way home and J asked M "Who's the cutest baby?" and she said "I am!"

*smile* When K asked if she could invite a friend over and J said "Only if they say no."

So no matter how stressed I am (and I have been stressed way to much this week) there are lots of times during the day when I laugh and smile and have a wonderful time with my family. Good thing to since my doctor told me Friday that it would be a very good idea to have A assessed for ADD. She has ADD herself and says that how he is acting at school and home sounds very familiar to her. I, of course, will have to be convinced and will delay any testing for a while until I have done more reading. I think he's 6 and a boy and that explains why he doesn't want to pay attention in class or stay on task.

Think happy thoughts...happy thoughts...

Cass :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! It's grannyapple05 from The Sims 2 website. This is a great blog- I really enjoy seeing pictures of all the stuff you've written about for so long. And now you don't have to censor yourself so much. I'll be looking forward to seeing more!

("Only if they say no."- lol!)