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Thursday, November 02, 2006

A blast from the (recent) past and a night of dumb dreams...

First of all I'd like to share pictures from A's 6th birthday back on September 12th. Yeah I've had them in the camera all this time and finally got around to putting them on the computer and editing them. I'm not sure what's worse...spending a bunch of money on a roll (or two!) of film and only getting 6 or 8 nice shots out of it or having the pictures in your camera forever and never printing out a hard copy at all...they are saved on disk at least*grin* so it's not all bad.

First up is the cake, I baked it myself this year but messed was edible(barely) only because of the icing*sigh*:The cake is kinda creepy looking but A is so into Pirates we kinda just go with to why A&P are shirtless; I don't remember...I'm sure they had some reason!J made a short appearance, before spending the rest of the birthday party hiding in the basement, to bring in the cake for the blowing out of candles.

M was very interested in the presents for her brother and had to be re-directed several time to keep from opening them herself! A, of course, enjoyed the suspense of opening his gifts*grin* He made some very good faces for the camera!

Both of A's sisters were kind-of not all that interested in the whole deal once the cake was eaten. Sisters what are you gonna do? *grin*

See what I mean...very good faces. A is very good at expressing his emotions...all of them...really it's not always a good thing.

Of course, as usual, the packaging was also popular!

So that was A's birthday in a nut shell...sorry for the almost two month delay but at least you all get to see the pictures now!*grin*

* * * * * *

So on to other things...I had 4 totally dumb dreams last night. I remember some of them enough to know they were indeed dumb and woke J after each one with a muttered "Well that was a dumb dream...*sigh*" and rolling over and going back to sleep. I hate it when I have a busy dreaming night because most of the time the dreams are dumb but can still pack an emotional hammer than bothers me. After the first one (that featured a gun wielding maniac in a theater and M & I) I was disturbed enough to get out of bed for a drink...then the dog wanted out so I emptied the dishwasher while I waited for him. I was okay(or so I thought) so I went back to bed. Did I sleep peacefully then? Nope *sigh* my next dream was about a reality show where they shot the losers...all at the same time, in a big group....I managed to leave the room they were in before I had to watch it. Woke up again, exasperated, and rolled over so I could go back to sleep. I had another dumb dream, which(thankfully) I can't remember now...but it was also dumb. My last dream of the night involved me saying such unlikely things as "I love my husband but we can still fool around." and in which I was miserable, and J was miserable and M was miserable....dumb dream. I pointed out to J when I woke up from that one that I have no control over how idiotic my sub conscious is and that in that dream I never did DO anything with the other guy(who was freakishly tall and homely) and I was miserable through-out the entire dream.

All that waking up and feeling like an idiot reminded me of this Sim Movie...then it took me forever to find it!!

Random Movie:

Movie is by decorgal more from her can be found here:

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