Friday, December 01, 2006

Parent - Teacher Interviews ...


I heartily dislike the whole Parent - Teacher interview deal. They allot 15 minutes per interview, so the ones before you always run over. Case in point: I had two interviews last night. One for A from 7:15-7:30 I actually got into it at about 7:28pm. That wasn't a huge huge deal because I have a standing appointment with A's teacher every Friday after school now because of all the issues he is having at school. A's report card was the worst I have ever seen ... never had I seen anything like it. Good thing the school warned me. Did you know they don't give F's anymore? No they changed it, now they give R's which stands for Remediation, which means "This kid needs help!". My running joke is that A's report card sounds like a pirate(ARRRRR!!) with no A. He did get two B's, in art, because that's what he does all day; he draws. I'm working with the teacher to help get A on task, he's distracted by everything and doesn't transition well without warning from one task to another. With the drawing at least he isn't disrupting the class the way he was at the beginning of the year and getting sent to the office and/or home for not listening to the teacher or the principle. *sigh* To say I am not happy about the fact that my son is sitting off by himself a good chunk of the day because he refuses to do any school work is putting it mildly. I like his teacher and feel that he is interested in A learning and being successful at school but he also can't ignore the rest of the class all day to help A either.

But on to K's teachers ...

K is my good girl. She has always averaged in the A's and B's with the odd C in non-academic stuff(like drama or art). She's bright, pays attention and behaves. Thank Goodness!! The only complaint, after waiting for about a half hour or more, is that she's 'unmotivated' and could do better and she's shy and doesn't ask for help when she should. In other words, she's lazy like her mother and father. My Mom would hear the same things or close to it. I wasn't applying myself and I was anti-social(at least K has friends!) and would isolate myself from the other students. So no real complaints which is nice.

So after walking all the way there(10 minutes) in the rain and wind at 7pm so I would be on time for my first 7:15pm appointment I got home at 8:15pm *sigh* just in time to put kids to bed. I feel the night was somewhat wasted and I think from now on I will make a point of speaking to K's teacher once a month and of course I have that weekly appointment with A's teacher once a week. That way I can just skip any future parent - teacher interview nights.

To brighten this post I have to add a pic of M in her dress up princess dress that she chose as one of her gifts from J's parents with the money they gave her as a birthday gift. I photo-shopped her onto a castle background :)

Well, my watch alarm just went off. It's 7am and I have to get the garbage, recycling and compost out to the curb and hope that the kids sleep for another hour since today is a PA day. Later we will be putting up our tree and the few Christmas decorations that fit in our house. I'll post pictures :)

Cass :)

1 comment:

Vix said...

Ahh Parent teacher mom never had to attend those for me-but I can see myself having to be at the schools for my kids all the time especially for my bully of a daughter. She doesn't just pick on folks but when she doesn't get her way she sure is mean! My eldest seems pretty good with school-and my little princess loves to read and learn, but only on her terms....I guess she is a bit on the spoiled side being the only girl and all. My youngest still is too young to tell but already he doesn't listen to anything even though you can totally tell he can understand...only time will tell I suppose. I'm sure A will come around-adolecent males normally have attention problems-heck males in general have attention problems and the government (at least here in the US anyways) just seems to want to medicate the problem-I smell conspiricy "Lets get these kids all on meds so they will be zombies and listen to everything we say" but that's just my opinion, right? The meds work in some cases, but they seem to hand them out like candy so I don't know if they really are helping long term! The love of art may help him out as he gets older, I know when I got into choir I settled down a bit, it gave me something to look foward to-boy I still miss that class.