Sunday, December 10, 2006

Oh, Christmas Tree - 2006

Yup, it's that time of we finally put up our tree. Now this all actually happened about a week or so ago, I think it was December 3rd evening. We use the same 4 foot fake tree every year (it was originally a gift from my first husband's parents-but I don't hold that against it) and have since K was a baby. The ornaments are an interesting mix of 'Baby's First Christmas' and ones J had when we got together as well as ones that have been made by the children over the years. Plenty for our little tree anyway. The lights that I put on the tree were my mother's and are also plenty for my little tree. Once decorated the tree goes way up onto the TV stand so it can't be messed with, this is also where we put the gifts (which we just got wrapped and put around the tree yesterday afternoon!). The kids are excited and it's hard to believe that Christmas Day is only 2 short weeks away.

With all the gifts (except for the ones for J & I to each other) :

Some other shots that were taken that day:

K Goofs Around

A Helps & Goofs Around

M Lounges

And just yesterday:

Dog Pile on Mommy!!

There ... all up to date. M is feeling better, still coughing but better. K was promoted to Dolphin in swimming yesterday and A is still A :)

Cass :)


Anonymous said...

you look so beautiful with that great big smile on your face!I hope I get to see you that happy alot more often. I am sorry I have not been by lately, but I do love you.... you are often in my thoughts. Hope you have a smilley day!
ps thank-you for reminding me to come for a visit here I enjoyed looking at your pics

CanadianMama said...

It's great to see a picture of YOU in here finally Cass ! You look great.

Vix said...

Aww, they attacked mommy! I think that is so great when it happens over this way, but my smile never gets that big, because one of them is always hurthing Your tree looks beautiful!