Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All is Forgotten ...

Yup, I forgot something again ... or still ... or something like that *sigh*. As I was talking to K's Grandmother this morning I realized that I had completely forgotten A's eye appointment(which was the 18th!) *sigh* I also remembered I was supposed to call someone about the kids expired health cards as well as go in and get mine renewed. I have to wonder a lot of the time where my head is at when I can go day to day and not remember fairly important stuff like this *rolls eyes*

So I did call about the health cards and I am going to have to go tomorrow and get them all done theirs as well as mine ... I'd go today but I have neglected the laundry situation so badly that I have nothing clean to wear that I can be seen in public in. So tomorrow it is and the lady on the phone told me I can have the kids' done at the same time ... then I'll have to remember to call the new numbers into our Doctor who was nice enough to take us even though our cards were expired. I also have to remember to call the new eye doctor and say sorry for missing A's appointment, he was sick last weekend that's why I forgot. *sigh* A lot of offices now make you pay them when you miss an appointment ... I have got to get the computer to e-mail me from now on ... I'm on every morning so that would be perfect. Silly me, all these tools at my disposal and I never pick them up and use them.

Yeah all the kids are better from the last illnesses I spoke of and K is fine, A was puking over the weekend and so I kept him home on Monday, and M had runny poo (Hey I'm a Mom, I need to know all these things - and I like to share!!). Everyone is all better from that but it meant cancelling another Family Day at the Y :(

I'm feeling icky this morning because I ate too much last night and of course I need to wash some of my clothes. I cleaned the living room and hallway carpet last night and I think I'll do the dinning room tonight. I want the house to be reasonably clean for any visitors we may have; J's Parents on Christmas Eve, my Mom on Christmas Day and K's Grandparents on Christmas night to whisk her away to their place for a week. It's getting down to the wire now with only 5 sleeps 'till the big day! I'm looking forward to seeing J's face when he sees the gifts I got him and I can't wait to see what he bought me! All the gifts are bought and wrapped, except my gift to my Mom(which I will pick up tomorrow while I'm out). J even wrapped mine tricky and put cat jingle balls in two of them so when I move them (I like to attempt to guess my gifts and am sometimes pretty good at it) all they do is jingle, I'm stumped I have no idea what he got me. I do have 4 gifts though so I'm pretty happy :) He always gets me cool stuff.

Well I have to go now ... I think I remembered to say everything I wanted to ... but you just never know!

Cass :)

Oh! I remembered two more things: C and I went out Sunday evening and had a nice snack and chat (which reminds me L, C & I need to make a date for out Mommies Dinner out in January - C reminded me just this morning) AND yesterday she was nice enough to take M for the morning and feed my brood and I lunch! It was a nice break. Thanks Heaps C! Now everyone knows how wonderful, sweet and caring you are! Everyone : I have such wonderful friends and I can only blame my faulty memory for neglecting to mention how wonderful they all are but C especially for the wonderful things she does for me. I am truly Blessed.

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