Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More Mommy madness ...

Yup ... last night(all night) and today was all about time and how it messes with us sometimes. M was up at least 6 times during the night. The meds that the Doctor at the walk in clinic gave us for her to take to stop her croup cough also gave her nightmares all night and because she drank so much water yesterday she wet the bed three times as well. I was the one to deal with all this so at about 11pm last night(when I was getting up for the second time after just falling asleep to a bed that I needed to strip and remake) I opted to spend the rest of the night on the couch so I wouldn't have to be running up and down the stairs all night. Instead I got to fight my way off/out of the couch each time she called to me and, in hindsight, I realize I should have just slept with her, silly me. Today was supposed to be flu shot day, I had already booked the appointment with my family doctor and I figured I would get all the kids checked while I was there. So here is the run down of what ails us; I'm fine but need to quit picking at my ears and should put some peroxide in them to help clean them out if they are bothering me. I also got my flu shot. K has an ear infection, got some nose spray for her constant sniffling, some acne cream for her pimples and did not get her flu shot. A is as healthy as a horse and after much tearful anticipation took the flu shot like the good boy he is. M has croup, I need to keep up with her puffers(which the doctor had to remind me how they were given-turns out I've been doing it wrong), she also has an ear infection and did not get the flu shot. The kids weigh: K-85lbs, A-60lbs and M-30lbs. I liked the scale at the doctors it said I weigh 210lbs but I highly doubt it*chuckle*.

We took the bus to get to the doctor's, or rather two buses. Our city buses kinda look like this one :) I was thinking if we left at 12:50pm we w0uld make our 1:30pm appointment perfectly because the two routes I normally take that way meet up quite nicely. I got confused after that brief moment of clarity and we were waiting for the bus at 11:50am when I realized my mistake. I went with it though and we were an hour early for our appointment but the kids were good and we went for ice cream after. Then just as we got to the bus stop to head home I decided to run my prescriptions into our clinic pharmacy because they deliver(for free, can you imagine!!) and told the kids to wait, I figured we'd miss the bus for sure. Just as I was coming out it was pulling away(and before you get scared the kids were waiting for me and were not on the bus) but then it had to stop for a red light. I forced the driver to stay there and got my crew on so we didn't have to wait a half hour for another bus! Thank goodness! We got home tired but I hadn't been angry at all today even though we were out(I must have used all my angry up last night) and I had to carry M the last 4-6 blocks without the aid of a carrier(I have a nice hotslings pouch that still works well for M in a pinch) but over-all not bad.

I'm tired tonight and M is still sick and needing more attention than normal and we won't be going anywhere this week so I can keep an eye on her. I have a Mount Washmore in my basement again(which is also my bedroom/computer room/laundry room in case you forgot) that I have got to take care of. Never mind the vacuuming and tidying and present wrapping that needs to be done*sigh*. I'll try to take it one job at a time and not get stressed ... Happy thoughts!!

Cass :)


CanadianMama said...

So Cass - with M being only 30 lbs, do you think she'd prefer the grey or the blue carseat ?? She's getting one or the other !

I hope you are all feeling better soon.

Vix said...

And they say SAHMs are boring.....hahaha! Good grief you sure do have to go through a lot to get to the doctor, here I was thinking it was an ordeal for me to load mine up and drive across town! I really hope everyone gets better soon. Its just an awful time of year of kiddies and when its awful for them they give their awfulness to us and still we take care of them...we should get paid. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Cass,

I'm glad you got to the doctor with M. Funny I think I mentioned that the cough sounded like croup. I hope everyone is better soon. ((hugs))