Monday, January 07, 2008

Argh! New Year - New date to remember...

... Although admittedly this was harder for me when I was in school. I rarely have to even write dates anymore so remembering the 2008 rather than 2007 won't be too horrid I'm sure. The main bummer of New Year is that it puts a certain amount of pressure on you to do better. I know this will end up being a good thing in the end but since on the bottom of it all I am lazy and would rather do as little as possible change is hard for me.

I am still struggling with housework but meal planning is still going well and has been since August. J tells me we're fine budget-wise and things are okay(as long as nothing totally expensive and unforeseen happens; furnace{possible},oil tank{highly possible}, van{making funny noises-something is loose}, large appliance{not likely since they are all under 10 years old}). I think we all live on that edge though so I try not to fret ... we have enough credit to cover any big emergency as long as it's not too big and it would only set us back a little in our debt repayment.

So now it's the New Year and I have to step up and start moving more. This is important since I managed to gain back all the weight I lost year before last(because really to be honest I did squat in 2007) which is sad and makes me sad. It's no comfort at all that J is in the same boat as me, exercise is just something we are finding very difficult to work into our daily lives and we're rotten at supporting each other in activity.

So now the kids start back to school I have no more excuses not to get out of the house in the mornings and at this point I'm looking forward to it because I've been pretty much stuck at home the last two weeks. Today I am going to swing by the clinic and see about some stuff I got the doctor to give me paperwork for last year(blood work and 24 hour blood pressure monitor), then I'll go to the Y and relax for a bit and after that I will either head home or go to the library before getting the kids from school. The afternoon will be spent watching M with both eyes and doing housework.

Wish me luck!

Cass :)

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