Monday, January 07, 2008

Update on my day...

... Okay so I got everyone to school on time/gasp/ and then went to the clinic to set up my 24 hour blood pressure monitor appointment and then I waited to find out that they want me to fast for my blood work. So no food for me after 8pm tonight :( facing a morning of nothing to eat makes me think getting up at 5am will be a mistake. I think I'll wait and get up at 7am instead ... I hate being hungry and by the time 9am rolls around and they're taking my blood I'll be so hungry I'll feel like either throwing up on the nurse or eating her arm /sigh/.

I then went on to the Y and showered and shaved and looked up the pool schedule to find out when a good time to swim laps will be. Looks like Tuesday and Thursday mornings for about an hour will be it and maybe on Sunday's with Jim as well, I keep forgetting I own a 12 year old that is perfectly capable of watching A & M for a few hours while I spend some time at the gym without having to walk there.

I've had a nagging headache all afternoon, I keep thinking it's from not enough water but it's still hanging on :( Hopefully I will feel better in the morning(even though I'll be all hungry and cranky then).

Wish me luck for tomorrow - I'm going to pack a breakfast and go eat it at the Y and then relax for a little and swim some slow laps. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that, when I swim with the kids I don't really get to swim :( So I'm really looking forward to some nice repetitive laps :)


Cass :)


Jennifer said...

No food?! That would have me in a bad state! Though I'm sure you'll be fine if you go to bed around 9pm and get up at 7am. When I'm simming for hours on end I'd usually not eat until I feel sick...rather unhealthy but we all do it at some point or another :P

Glad you're trying to set up a routine in the Y with the swimming. If there's something I miss it is swimming (and bubble baths) but I don't really have enough time to do it (and I only have a shower).

Good luck with your test, I hope you're alright.

Cassandra said...

It was actually easier this time than I remember it being last time. I wasn't hungry at all - well okay I was at around 5:30am when I would normally be eating but I rolled over and went back to sleep. After that I wasn't hungry at all. It's very odd. I finally had breakfast at about 9:30am then I went swimming. I only managed 20 minutes of laps but then walked for 40 minutes(20 brisk and 20 slow). Now I'm beat, of course. Tomorrow is a home day - maybe I'll do some Yoga in the morning:)

The blood work was just to make sure everything is fine. I ordered it when I was all wonky with my moods last month but have been feeling much better since I went back on birth control pills :)

The 24 blood pressure monitor is because my doctor gets very high readings off me in the office and I get nice normal readings at home. I want to make sure that is okay as well :)

/is happy to be in Canada where this all isn't going to cost a lot/