Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Things that make me go "Hey that's cool!"

Yeah I'm weird but I'd like to make note of some of the things I have re-discovered for myself because they are memorable for me.

**The sky is cool - it looks cool and is lots of fun to look at.

**If I don't stop and holler "C'mon!" to M every 3 minutes while we are walking back and forth to school she comes just as fast as if I did.

**Toilet bowl cleaner is good for more than just the inside of the toilet bowl ... it can get nasty crud off of other parts of the toilet as well!! I discovered this for myself just today(it was clean the bathroom day) and on a whim decided to put some of the blue goop on the stain on the back of the toilet rim surface(it's been driving me nuts on my daily wipe down of the toilet) and it got it off!! /happy dance/ . Yeah I know ... but like FlyLady says "Nothing says I love you like a Clean toilet to throw up in when you are sick!" of all the things to resound with me that is one thing that really sticks.

On the phone with my Mom today and she told me in the past my record for keeping the house clean and under control was a month and a half. My vow to myself is to start the new year with a clean house. Keep the supportive comments coming because we all need encouragement in our goals even the simple-seeming ones. I can do this ... I love how the house looks and feels to me when I get my work done. My satisfaction level is almost Zen like and yes I am well aware of the fact I am odd but this is my job. My dream job really since as far back as I can remember I always said I was born into the wrong time. Even when I was 12 I felt I would have been happier when women's main roles were to raise children and keep house.

I love being home. I am proud that my kids come home for lunch every day. I am proud when my family gets fresh baked bread and I cook everything they eat. I am proud when I know exactly what is in the food that is nourishing their bodies. I feel a huge amount of elation when I look at my routine list and everything is checked off. It makes me smile when I can check off a hard chore that I did even though I didn't want to. I am happy when my house is in order and my life runs more smoothly because of it.

Cass :)

1 comment:

Vix said...

I'll bet you that since your writing all of this down, when you feel like not doing anything for the day and your having one of those ugh days, you can look back on this and remember how good you feel AFTER the job is done and go ahead and do it. I feel the same way about the dream of wanting to be a stay at home mom and have often compared myself to a 50's housewife, but that's only because I know of so many women who grumble and groan over scrapping together a meal for their family and they don't work outside the home, personally I believe there isn't an excuse to at least not keep things picked up-it doesn't have to pass a white glove test but things shouldn't look unsanitary-and I've seen houses where there was a stay at home person-with and without children-that the hosues were just awful, and they complained about having to do anything. I've had friend's of my husband's be suprised to see me in the kitchen cooking and they say, "Man I couldn't get a meal out of my [Stay at home] wife if I was dieing" and frankly I find that to be just awful of them. I believe if there is a stay at home person, that person has to pull his or her weight some how, and by keeping things at least managable around the house is the way to do it. I'm not saying you were ever like the people I'm talking about here-please don't take it that way, I know you've always done for your family, and having a big family it's easy to get behind....just sharing some experiances.