Thursday, October 25, 2007

I don't wanna!

I get the "Don't Wannas" as I call them quite often which is when I start sliding down the slippery slope into the corner mountains of laundry and the messy house problems. I had an attack of the Don't Wannas tonight; the kitchen was messy and the back room was messy and I had to put the kids to bed/sigh/. I sometimes get overwhelmed easily and this was one of those times. By the time 8:30pm rolls around I've been up for 15 1/2 hours, have cooked and cleaned up after 4 meals(2 breakfasts and lunch and supper - although I do get help from J with supper cleanup), done a good amount of chores and walked to the school and back twice. I know that a lot of people work harder than I do, I understand that but at the end of the day I really really don't want to do my final kitchen clean up and house tidy. I really really didn't want to do it today. I did though. The kitchen is clean and the house is tidied. I didn't get a whole lot done today with housework(I'll have to do something like 4 loads of laundry tomorrow) because today was grocery/menu day and that always seems to suck up a huge amount of my time.

For those of you that may ask here is my menu for the next 7 days:This week I seem to be cooking mostly out of my Company's Coming cook books which is what all those "CC--" things are about. J suggested a lot of the suppers this week so it wasn't as hard as it could have been. He spent $190 at the store this week and before you fall out of your computer chairs he did tell me that the extras he bought(for Halloween) made up the difference from the $150 that was actually on MY list. We also got things this week that are infrequent buys like dishwasher soap and baking powder and baking soda. I didn't like hearing $190 but we do have the money to cover it this week due to my amazing saving up for the van repair going over what we actually needed to repair the van(hopefully! /knocks wood/). J will get it fixed this weekend and be back to driving himself next week(which has the unfortunate side effect of upping our gas expenses which are halved when he is carpooling).

We both feel money wise we are doing well; Not making new debt and living within our means. Yay us!

I feel I did very well tonight; Doing my housework even when I Didn't Wanna. Yay me!

Cass :)


Jennifer said...

I tried suggesting the meal plan to Andrew, but he said "I will eat whatever and whenever I like" so I wasn't very happy going to the supermarket last night, especially because he really rattled me with his comment - I was only trying to do a good thing!

Oh I made cookies last night too...or at least attempted. I didn't have brown sugar so they lacked a kind of sweetness (I did use white sugar though) and I used self raising flour - my cookies turned out to be scones :P I enjoyed them because they had chocolate chips in them :) but next time I'll just use plain flour. I went on the hillbillyhousewife website you posted in another blog and got some recipes...I'm thinking of making cream cheese fudge (however I now think I have bought the wrong type of cream cheese lol silly me)!

semele said...

I make the grocery list every week and say to both child and husband "suggest a meal" and I get " dunno..." which makes me twitch. I also make a list and more or less stick to it. My costs range from $130-180 depending on what I'm making, but that's anywhere from 1 week to almost 2 weeks. So I think its not that bad. But my husband thinks its a king's fortune. I keep saying "if you'd like to make the list and do the shopping, please, feel free" which hasn't worked yet.

Maybe J can continue to carpool? Switch off with someone which would leave you the car some days if you needed it and cut down on wear and tear on the car as well as gas expenses.

Vix said...

"Uh...Um...I dunno" makes me twitch just hearing it no matter what its regarding! We've been doing pretty good on our grocery shopping, last week we only spent $60!!!! This week its going to be more like 120 but it will include things like easy off and aluminum foil, toilet brushes that kind of stuff. I have one question, Cass what in the WORLD are "Lazy Cabbage Rolls" I would so love that recipe, I LOVE cabbage rolls but they always take so much freakin time to make, a lazy version would be so up my alley.