Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tick Tock - No rest, even on weekends!

Well I shouldn't say "No Rest" I do get rests and plenty of them but every day is pretty much the same for me and there is always something I could be doing, I just often refuse to! Take today for example:

6:30am Got up because M came down and wanted to have her breakfast now. This is actually sleeping in for me since I normally get up at 5am.

7am J brought me my breakfast, he almost always cooks breakfast on the weekends because I do it(and bring it to him) all week. I kinda insist on him doing at least a few meals on the weekend. It was very yummy!

7:45am Came upstairs, got supper in the slow cooker, emptied the dishwasher, gathered up dishes from all over the house to put in the dishwasher(one time I am grateful for a small house), and washed the few recyclables. The kitchen is clean; so I swept the floor too.

8:30am Sit down for a mug of tea with J, everyone is fed and dressed and ready to leave for the Y at 9am.

9am Leave for the Y(on time *gasp*)

9:15am Arrive at the Y and K, A, M & I are in our suites and in the pool by 9:30am.

10am M & I get out of the pool and get dressed, it's time for swim lessons for the older two. I drop M off at Child minding about 10:15am(yes I look at my watch often). I go to the plus change room to pick up more towels for K & A and read the comics.

10:30am Get A out of the pool and get him dried off and dressed.

10:40am Go ask about the BBQ the Y is having to raise money that is starting at 11am.

10:45am K gets out of swim lessons and gets herself dried and dressed, A starts to cry because he misses his Daddy, we are waiting for him so we can tell him about the BBQ and where it is.

11:00am I take K's towels back to the Plus Change room and when I return J is there with the older kids. I send them out to get food and go get M from Minding.

11:30am We've all gotten our food and have eaten it. I take the kids to Family Gym while J takes a few things to the van.

11:55am M tells me she has to pee so I tell the older ones it's time to head for home(we normally only stay till noon) after a bathroom stop. We go to the Family change room and get our gear from the locker there and use the bathroom.

12:15pm Back home. I start some dough in the bread maker for French bread to go with the French onion soup we are having for supper, empty the dryer, put a new load in it and start it, re-fill the washer and start it. M comes down and climbs into my bed to take a nap and I check a few messages on the computer.

It's now 1:00pm ... I'm going to go lay down but I have to check when the dough will be ready first so I know when I have to be back in the kitchen to roll it out and shape it to rise. It will need to rise for a half hour and then bake for about 25 minutes after that. Should be perfect with supper(that only J and possibly K and I will eat) or for peanut butter sandwiches later on for the ones who don't eat supper. Never mind that laundry still has to be done(at least 3 loads).

I need a nap.

Cass :)


semele said...

Plus change room? I don't know what that is but it makes it sound like plus sized people change in a separate room from thin people. Hehe.

Wow, you make bread! That sounds so good. Warm bread anytime. Mmm, soup and warm bread. Making my mouth water.

Cassandra said...

*chuckle* No the Plus Change Room is for people who want towels and other stuff supplied at extra cost(per month). I love the towel service because I never have to haul towel to the Y...I just go grab some from there for the kids when I bring them to the pool.

Don't be too impressed; the bread maker machine I have does most of the work. I get it to make the dough and then I put it in a loaf pan to rise and bake:)