Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sing it with me now!

My house must have sounded like a nut house for bad singers two nights ago but when we were done the children and I were smiling and laughing. "Why?", you ask(and even if you don't I'm gonna tell you) because the kids and I sometimes sing horribly for fun. A started it; it was bedtime and I was trying to get everyone settled. I start with A then I go lay in the bottom bunk with M and sing lullabies to M & K and sometimes fall asleep myself for a while before I head downstairs to join J either at the computers or in bed. A started to sing the alphabet song badly out of tune on purpose ... I can't resist that so I sang badly out of tune with him. By the time we were half way thru the song a second time M and K had joined us in A's room and were also singly badly and loudly. J was in the bathroom he says it sounded like a couple cats being beaten in a bag*lol*. The kids and I did a third run thru the song at the top of our lungs as badly as we could and by the time we were done all of us(except maybe J) were laughing and smiling. I love my kids.

We had another laugh out loud moment(and I know I don't share nearly enough of these) yesterday morning with little M(who don't forget is three and has the cute little kid voice still). She was watching the cat clean himself on our bed and she suddenly announced to J & I "Ew! He's licking his bum!" J&I smiled and I told her that was how cats kept clean and she made a face and said "That's gross!!". J&I broke up laughing and kept repeating those statements throughout the day. That one is right up there with her old one she used to do all the time(over a year ago I would think) when she would come up and shake your hand and say "Hi, I'm M, pleased to meet you. Get out my house." *rofl* She's something else :)

Cass :)


CanadianMama said...

Sounds like a blast !

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you Cass. I love the family pics. Lee Ann did a great job. You are looking well, I see there were hair cuts all around! Glad to hear your throat is better too. Take care, Tee