Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to Me! :)

This year I asked for a free gift ... a day off and I mean completely off. J & K are going to do the things on my daily checklist(I actually crossed out about half of them for today so they wouldn't have as much to do) and I will have all my meals brought to me and I am not responsible for anything today. So far: I slept in 'till almost 8am, took a long steamy shower, had breakfast and coffee served to me computer side, received a lovely e-card from my good friend C and a card that made me cry(as usual) from J.

I want to take this time now to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all my Mommy friends; I hope you all have wonderful days today and everyday!! Also to my own Mom(who sometimes reads my Blog); I love you Mom!! If it wasn't for you there would be no me and for that and so many other things I say "Thanks for being my Mommy!!"

I won't be completely lazy today ... I have laundry that I refuse to entrust to anyone else, control freak that I am, and I will putter about the basement making it a nicer place to relax today but that's it, honest! :)

Oh! In other Mommy news; A had his follow-up appointment yesterday and the pediatrician said that although A is certainly active and has attention issues he doesn't feel the level of activity and attention problems warrant any formal treatment at this time. We can re-assess him in late fall this year if the school continues to have issues with him. I can also spend some time and look up things I can do to help him(which I will) and also I need to get J more involved with A and school work. Schoolwork is one place where I'm just no good with my kids and A and I in particular can't seem to sit down with homework without fighting. J does a much better job of it.

K's heath issue seems to be resolved also *does happy dance* of course our next hurdle will be boys and such ... but I'm having a day off no time to think about THAT!! (Thank goodness).

M is getting better about going potty where she should. Our issue with her now? She is a huge fit thrower! Where did my sweet baby go? I asked J that yesterday "What happened to the sweet, cuddly, happy little girl that was here a few months ago?". Lately it seems like she cries over everything ... screams over everything. To the point where her cries mean little to any of us because she does it all the time. If you say "No." to her, she screams and cries, which makes no sense at all to me because I certainly don't give her her way just because she is crying. In fact I often say "Does that ever get you your way, M?" and feel less inclined to give her anything when she throws a fit. Like I said before K may be a Drama Queen but M is a Diva.

Well that's enough for now... I have relaxing to do :)

Cass :)


semele said...

I've read recently that kids who have attention problems benefit from a gluten-free or low-gluten diet. A lot of diagnosed ADHD kids get their diet switched and many then go off their medications successfully. Might be something to look into and won't cost you anything - plus no labelling! Gluten is a product found in wheat, mostly, also many preservatives. So the more natural and less bread, the more gluten-free - in a nutshell. Check it out. You can use the key word "Celiac" which is a disease where a person is allergic to gluten. I have a friend with that, so I know the tiniest bit, but the Great Wizard Google can tell you more.

Vix said...

a day late and a dollar short-but happy mother's day I'm glad you had a good one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day Cass! It sounds like a wonderful day.

chsandra said...

Dear Cass, I wanted you to know I really enjoyed our outing. You are a breathe of fresh air in my life. I had just as much fun watching you pick out the things you wanted as watching the kids.It was a good time. Have a good weekend.

Cassandra said...

That last comment is from my Mom, everyone. Who was kind enough to take me and my monkies out to the dollar store yesterday(I love the dollar store) and let up pick out stuff that she then paid for. Before that we all had lunch together. It was a pretty great afternoon.

Thanks Mom!!