Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ouch! Glad that's done with!

Yup, I went back today to my hairdresser to have more pain inflicted on me. It's done now and maybe I will be able to go longer than a month this time :)

Otherwise a so-so day. Grocery day today so there is once again food in the house(we only shop once a week to save money) and I had a nice visit with my Mom today and the topic of us having artificial nails again came up(we both like the idea) and we took M out for a short shopping trip.

M was a troublesome one today but I have resolved to try to freak no more and watch her more closely. If I can stick to it she just may be a better behaved kid by the end of summer. Speaking of summer: Am I the only one going "June is coming?!?!" Where the heck did spring go? *sigh* It's too dang hot in the summer and it seems to last forever. Ah well...I'll keep trying to remind myself that it's better than -30C with a wind chill.

That's it for me, I felt I should update. So there you go, all updated. OH! A let me pull another tooth today(his adult one was already growing in behind it, just like the first one) & K is talking about getting her hair cut very short(that should be interesting). Oh and a snippet of M: I was telling her that we were going to the hairdresser to have my lip hair waxed and she asked me "Will it hurt?" and I said "Oh, it won't hurt you at all! You won't feel a thing!" she actually laughed and said "Will it hurt you?" she was cool though, nabbed a sucker without asking and slurped away while I was being tortured*chuckle*.

Now you're updated, I'm going to bed!

Cass :)


Vix said...

Wow, that's brutal. I need to get into the salon and get my eyebrows done as well as a trim to my nap. I too am like, june is coming already? I'm a bit excited about it because my baby bro gets to come up but time just seems to be slipping by so very quickly.

semele said...

I had waxing done once. I have sensitive skin and told the lady that. It was my nail lady. I dig her, but she killed me with that wax. It was some kind of special date night with my then-fiance (now-husband) and I wanted to look nice, try something new. I looked like I'd been beaten! My skin had a reaction and I was bright red eyebrow and lip area for 2 weeks. I went to the pharmacist to ask if I could try something for the pain or swelling and he winced when he saw me. I went home to cry. I recently had a mini-facial (I don't like extractions) and she told me that because I use Retin-A (to stave off breakouts) it often reacts with the wax and probably that was what happened. Ohhh! So maybe someday I can have wax again, but I'm still using Retin-A so for now I'll tweeze.

"It won't hurt YOU at all" Hahaha!

Cassandra said...

*smile* Thanks to both of you for commenting! I actually have no reaction(not even redness) after waxing ... it does hurt though but I'm okay with it as long as it does the job :)

What can I say, it's worth it!