Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I have a lot of hopes and dreams for the new year, as does just about everyone else. I'm hoping and planning on both J and I losing more weight. Last year we lost 60 & 30 lbs respectively and I think we can do better this year if we work hard.

It's been a good year full of all sorts of stuff; goals met and failures as well. J and I are both older and wiser for the things we have done and experienced this year. Maybe me more so than him since I am younger and have more to learn.

I hope for a better year to come but the past year hasn't been horrible to us so another the same wouldn't be at all bad.

I hope that all of us take a little better care of ourselves and our families this year, think of those who are less fortunate and try to do a random good deed ever week or so. I delivered a piece of mail that got delivered to my house by mistake ... not a huge deal but it ended up being about 9 blocks from my house. I felt good that I had done something not expecting any thanks (and not waiting around for any either). I'm sure as winter progresses my neighbour and I will clear each others' sidewalks like we do every year, I sometimes even do her driveway if I'm feeling energetic.

If we all tired to be a little nicer, smile a little more often and do those small kind acts more often the world would be just that little bit better.

In the end isn't that what we all want?

This year: Let's all try to make the world a nicer,
kinder place to live.

Cass :)

1 comment:

semele said...

Wow, you lost a combined 90 pounds! That's incredible and you should both be so proud of yourselves and each other. This year I'm focusing on health and wellness and not focusing on numbers. That never works for me. However, I do feel inspired by what the two of you have been able to achieve. If I lost 50 pounds I'd be at my ideal weight. But for me it's about fitness and feeling good, breathing easy, that kind of thing. But I'm working on it. Keep going!