Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wow - a belated update.

Sorry it's been so long, I've been doing stuff and being lazy all at the same time. So same old same old.

School is now well underway and we're all falling back into a good routine and it's finally cooler out, yay!

About a week ago I went to help my Mom move all her worldly belongings into storage and she is now sharing A's room with him. I figure she'll be here as long as she's here at this point. So yeah 6 people, 1 dog and 1 cat can live peacefully in a 900 square foot house. Who knew?

Otherwise I don't have a whole lot to say. Life is what it is, everything is pretty much going the same as always. I'm happy, J is happy the kids are happy and the animals are happy. There you go.

So in short; school is back in, my Mom is living with us and we're all fine.

Cass :)

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