Friday, September 05, 2008

Bringing Home B - our first night and day.

Night One

After waiting at the shelter for almost an hour B finally was handed over to us all neutered and everything. Since I had been told and read that it's best to treat an adult rescue as I would a puppy I plan on spending at least the first week sharing a room with B at night. So now I am camped out in my son's room - he's up in his loft bed and I am on a mattress on the floor. The things I'll do for a doggie family members!

B so far: First thing I noticed is that he appears to be quiet, not a barky dog. That may change once he relaxes a bit.

Second thing is that he is very nervous/uncomfortable and can't seems to relax. He spent half the night standing next to my bed breathing on me! I wouldn't mind so much but it's hot here anyway and that didn't help. He did unbend enough to go lay on the bed I had put out for him a few times and I'm pretty sure he was licking his stitches but I was so tired by that point I was just glad he was laying down!

S also was a pester whining at the closed bedroom door because her dog buddy was being kept from her /sigh/ I only had to speak to her a few times. I also put B out every 2 hours or so during the night 2am,4am and 6am. Both dogs are currently outside now but being quiet so I figure all is well. They've given me time to post anyway.

So the journey starts - he really does have a beautiful temperament even wound up like he is right now I can see it. What a wonderful addition he is going to be! Any suggestions on how to make him comfortable would be great - I'll be taking both dogs for a walk once it's light enough to see.

Day One

B actually lay down 4 - 6 times today for short periods! At one point I swear he was falling asleep on his feet - his eyes slowly closed on him and then his head drooped. It was too funny!

S&B seem to be getting along pretty well - he sometimes pins her but she keeps pushing and at one point she mounted him so I think they are slowly working something out, what that is exactly I have no idea. I sure hope he sleeps tonight because even though I napped I am still pretty tired.


The dogs coming up the back steps

Some nice shots of B, yes he does have yellow eyes:

Getting ready for me to throw that ball:

My 4 year old took some pics as well, I always get a kick out of how her perspective is totally different than mine. As unflattering it is to see my backside from that angle I had to include all the shots she took.

Best for last - one only a 4 year old could have gotten:

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