Sunday, September 14, 2008

My son and his birthday(s)

Yup, my sweet boy, who I pushed shoved and needed assistance for getting into this world is now a whopping 8 years old. Yay! Sorry no pictures - the camera batteries died and I haven't gotten around to re-charging them yet so this one goes undocumented. Uh-huh, I'm a bad Mom.

Like with most things in life there is a story behind A's 8th birthday(s) - wondering about the plural? I'll explain in my usual long winded fashion:

A's birthday fell on a Friday this year so we decided we would celebrate on Saturday by inviting two of his classmates(chosen randomly from a list of 4 he could think of that he though would like to come watch Star Wars: Clone Wars with him) to go to the theater and watch a movie with him. I wrote a letter to each kid, they read:

"To: The Parent(s) of Invited Kid:

My son A would like Invited Kid to join him in watching Star Wars: Clone Wars on Saturday September 13 at the theater to celebrate his 8th birthday.

Due to budgeting only Invited Kid and one other boy has been invited. I need to hear back from you as soon as possible so a replacement guest can be chosen if Invited Kid can’t come. The boys will be coming to the house and my husband will take them to and from the theater.

When: Saturday September 13th at 11am
Where: Our House
Why: To celebrate A’s 8th birthday.

Please call me to confirm as soon as you can. Our phone number is ###-###-### or you can e-mail me at

Sincerely, A’s Mom, Cass"

I thought that was perfectly clear - no one called. I asked A to remind his guests to remind their parents to call - no one called. I told A on the Wednesday before his birthday that it looked like no one was going to come and he seemed okay with the idea of just going to the show with his dad. I wasn't very happy though. A seemed a little bummed on his birthday though(the Friday)because even though it was his birthday nothing was going to happen. One of his guests had told him he had lost the invitation and so his family couldn't call, the other just never called, period. To cheer A up I called J at work and suggested he pick up McD's as a surprise dinner and we give him his gifts from his Nana on his actual birthday. I baked a cake. A was cheered up and we all had a lovely evening.

Saturday came and no kids showed up so A invited his big sister and he and J and K all went to see the movie which they enjoyed. When they came back we gave A the rest of his gifts(all pretty much Star Wars stuff) and he had a good day. So two birthdays, kinda, and no guests.

I'm still mad though - go figure - and the chocolate cake gave me a headache all last night and a good chunk of today. I guess A is fine though so that's the important thing. There is other news but I will cover it in a separate post, later, when I'm not feeling so tired and grumpy.

Cass :)

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