Saturday, March 17, 2007

A's Ped Appointment = Paperwork, lots and lots of paperwork!!

I'm not sure if I've covered this yet so I'll just start at the beginning. Ever since A started Grade One the school has been complaining that he has attention problems in class. My son is not learning to read as fast as everyone else in his class and his first report card was bad enough that I may never pay any attention to his report cards again! I see he is progressing, but slowly and only because I know he teacher is taking the time to work around the fact that A doesn't focus well. So we've started down the road of finding out if A has a bigger problem than being a 6 year old boy.

I'll be frank and say I don't like this road ... it's going to be a huge amount of work for me and I loathe any kind of work. Also at the end of it a label is going to be slapped on my son that he may have to live with for the rest of his life, something no parent wants to deal with at any time. Still, it must be done because I personally don't have the skills to teach my son. I need to find a way to fit him into the mainstream schools for now. If I see that is not going to happen I may try to teach him myself ... but I fear that I may not be up to the task, ever.

I have to be realistic. I also have to be prepared.

This will not limit him in the long run, if he is labelled he can still succeed in life just fine and be whatever he wants to be. This should not limit his potential.

Eventually I may have to look at the possibility of medication, I hope not and will look at all other alternatives first, but I need to know that is a very real thing that will most likely be the first thing a doctor will suggest :(

So far we have cleared his sight and hearing. Now on to the behavioural screening, which means a huge amount of paperwork for me and his teachers*sigh*

Wish me luck ... or at least a tiny label M'kay?

Cass :|


CanadianMama said...

Labels aren't *so* bad Cass.

In many ways, it's making life much easier for us now that Boo has a label. I can explain to people that he has a form of autism, and find that people are much more accepting of that than they are of a simply disruptive, disobedient, non-compliant, loud child.

Cassandra said...

Thanks L, I'll keep that in mind :)