Monday, February 05, 2007

Why can't anything be easy?!?

I had it all planned, today M and I would grab the bus to the library and return some CDs that were due today and pick up some CDs I had requested be held for me when they came in, today was the last day they would hold them for me.

It was -15C(5F) when I got up this morning but I decided to go anyway, we weren't going to be outside long since we were taking the bus. I checked the schedules and got everything together and got A & K off to school before gearing up M and I to go.

We caught the bus in good time and I only over shot my stop by one getting off. This meant a 4 block walk but M was happy and walked along at a good pace ... only when we were about half a block from the library did I realize that it opened at 10am not 9am like I assumed. It was 9:15am and -15C there was no way I was waiting 45 minutes for it to open. I knew my bus was coming right by the library to go home in only 10 minutes so I dropped the CDs I was returning in the drop box. When I told M, however, that our trip was going to be shorter than expected because I hadn't thought to check the library hours as well as the bus route information; she threw a fit. I had to carry her the 1/2 block to the bus shelter(please remember my pulled muscle is still tender) with her screaming in my ear "I don't wanna go home!!" and she screamed for a little there as well. Five minutes later the bus was there and she was quiet, sulky, but quiet.

Our bus stop closest to our house is about 3 blocks from our front door. After we had walked one block M was saying she wanted me to carry her. I refused. She stood and screamed and I walked two houses along and stood waiting for her. She stopped screaming and started my way playing in every front yard and scribbling in the light snow with a stick. It took her a good 15 minutes to walk the 2 blocks to our house. I made it there first and took the time to shovel and would call the 1/2 block to her "C'mon M!" and she would call back "I'm comin'!!!" in her cute little 3 year old voice ... sounding a lot like big sister, K.

We walked back in the door at 9:50am. All that was just a trip to the library... easy right?

Cass :)


Anonymous said...

I can SO relate! ((hugs))

Vix said...

Its aggervatingly cute! I can so relate to that, in a kids don't want to leave stores like ever but we just throw them into the SUV and let them throw a fit while we stand outside, until they calm enough to reason with...then tie 'em in and off we go. If they were good we let them watch a movie, so thats pretty good, although sometimes one of them forgets and he or she has to sit in the middle row and not watch the movie. I don't know how you deal with the bus, but huge props to you Cass!