Saturday, February 24, 2007

When Mommy is your job, there is no such thing as a sick day.

Well the stomach bug has made its way through pretty much the whole family now. First A on Friday night, then M on Monday night(and what a night that was!), then I felt off on Thursday but the full brunt hit me Friday and I was wretched to say the least. I had K & A stay home after lunch to help me *rolls eyes* not that either of them were much help ... it just meant that three voices were calling "Mommy!" instead of one *sigh* K was some help, I should give her a little credit but not as much as I had hoped.

Then Friday night just as I was feeling almost better again(other than a continuing tummy ache and general feeling of weakness) K came down with it and needed help with some things only a Mommy can help her daughter with *sigh* no breaks for me. Don't get me wrong J brought home supper and made sure everyone was fed and let me rest but I still had to listen to him and the kids bickering and the general chaos that is my happy (most of the time anyway) home. I'm still not 100% but way better today than yesterday and K is starting to improve as well.

Being Mommy can be very rewarding ... I've thought that lots of times. Like the other day when I was snuggled with M and we were taking a nap and the cat joined us. Or just today when I was napping with K and enjoying feeling better(oh yeah ... if you want someone to nap with, I'm your girl!). My kids love me and no matter how often I yell or get exasperated or cry K will still tell me I'm the best Mommy in the world and A will still try to cheer me up and M will still climb into my lap and snuggle with me. There are lots of times I lose sight of that small fact, like when I'm angry or ill or just plain tired out. I'm the only Mommy they have and they do love me very much ... and I love them right back with every last piece of my heart.

Cass :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are all feeling 100% soon.