Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The more things change ...

Today in the mail I got a flyer for a new condo apartment building in my city ... so why Blog about it? The new apartment condos are built in what was once just another seedy downtown apartment complex ... I've seen them working on the building. Part re-furbish part new building the ad was slick and made my city(and especially that area of my city) look cool and hip and wonderful. I realized a few things while I looked at the ad(comparing the square footage and prince to my little house that is over a half hour walk from downtown). The first was that I have actually lived in this city for over 10 years(if you combine the time I lived here before I moved and then came back) which is longer than I have lived anywhere other than a tiny village in mid-Ontario a couple hours drive from here.

I have been with J for almost 9 years ... in that time I have had two children, lost a dog and seen my first baby grow into a pre-teen. I highly dislike change and my city is changing a lot all the time. We've had huge development in housing in all directions and the downtown has been trying it's best to shine itself up with all sorts of new stuff going on there. I guess it's okay though, things change, the kids will grow up and J and I will get older. I ignore what is going on in the world as much as I can though and so stuff like this always comes as a surprise. I remember sitting on the steps of that building, smoking and talking with K's father when we first met thru a telephone dating service. This city holds a lot more than my house, it holds almost my entire adult history ... *sigh*

I wonder how I'm going to feel in another 10 years and where I will be then ... after all, things change.

Cass :)

Tarot card of change pictured.

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