Monday, March 24, 2008

Puppy love - Yet another update :)

I have more than the puppy to talk about so I will share a couple other things first. M happened to be in the room when I was taking pictures of the puppy so here is a shot of her:We have another new addition to our computer room - I convinced J that, yes, he really deserved a new computer just for him so things were moved around to accommodate his new computer. His case is the same as mine only black not red. Here's a shot of our computering hub in the basement :)Now onto shots of the puppy :)
A girl and her puppy ... Awww!

Hope everyone had a happy Easter and all that jazz.

Cass :)


semele said...

Suzie's getting huge. Your kiddo is making what I call "the monster smile" - something all children do - which makes me wonder why so many school photos are sold.

Cassandra said...

Susie is going to weigh at least 50 lbs by the time she's done growing :)

I know all about the monster smile - the first time I saw it was when I saw this little girl watching the Calgary Stampede parade. I though the girl was adorable(beautiful skin and wavy red hair)and asked her Mom if I could take a picture of her. She was cute ... until she smiled /sigh/.

We never buy school pictures anymore - they are too expensive and my kids never look good in them.