Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dog food and disillusionment.

Who knew that getting a puppy and trying to feed her as well as possible would lead to so many issues for me. I think only I could turn something as seemingly simple as feeding a pet into yet another thing I do or want to do that is not mainstream.

As you know from my post "Have I become a dog food snob?" that we have done a lot of looking into pet foods since we got S because we want her to live as long or longer than Old Dog did. Now I don't want you to get me wrong, I think we are doing well by feeding S Orijen, she looks great, is growing well and has lots of energy. I have been reading tons of good things about feeding raw meats and raw bones to dogs and cats which is leading me, once again, to do things differently than everyone else. J has agreed, reluctantly, to allow me to try feeding some raw as long as we also still feed the 'clinically balanced' dry food as well. With that I have to be happy.

So where's the disillusionment? Right here. I am upset because from my reading and paying attention to pet food commercials I am seeing something that makes me angry the same way make-up commercials make me angry, diaper commercials make me angry, and formula commercials make me angry. I can hardly turn on the TV without seeing stuff that is at least misleading and at worst a flat out lie. I know it's awful late in my life to grow up and smell the marketing but I can say one thing, I sure don't like what I'm smelling!! The problem is I am sick of feeling like the radical nut that no one wants to have anything to do with because she has strong views on stuff no one seems to give a second thought to. I don't try to make anyone do things the same way I do but I do feel sad and frustrated when what I am feeling passionate and revved over is dismissed out of hand by the few people I do talk to about it.

Cloth diapering was 'gross' and 'too much work', breastfeeding was mostly accepted as a good thing but when I nursed M past her 2nd birthday I was definitely odd and although everyone was always intrigued by my wrap and the ease of which I wore M when she was smaller rather than using my stroller I always got 'oh I could never do that - I have a bad back'. Don't even get me stared on re-usable menstrual products and how 'gross' most women I talked to thought they were! I compost and recycle, I use cloth wipes for everything I can(we don't buy paper towel) and do all sorts of other odd things. I'm tired of the media and the reactions of others telling me I'm wrong because I'm not, dammit!

I think what makes me the most irritated is that very few other people seem to see it the way I do - up to this last odd thing J has actually been very supportive and has seen the sense in what I am saying even if he didn't always want to go quite are far with it as I did(like cloth wipes in the bathroom rather than toilet paper). When he does have something to say he is normally right and I respect him a lot, he is a very smart man and I love him.

All this because of dog food - who knew?



Vix said...

Aww, Cass, everyone has their opinions of stuff...and no bodies is wrong-well except those human beings who find children to be well, never mind that....I don't know if I'd go AS green as you are, but here is a pat on the back for doing it...despite what everyone else is saying to you! They say that every ONE can make a difference, and obviously you are doing more than your part, so shame on others for telling you your wrong. I'm doing cloth diapers mostly now that I'm potty training my youngest, he responds better to them than the pull ups because pull ups work just like diapers therefore the child doesn't feel uncomfortable. When we go out we still use disposable, but that's just to make life easier. I use dry dog food, normally Purina or pedigree....small dog formula for each, and some table scraps, like my dog loves peas as well as cow and pork bones. He's three now and at his ideal weight and completely healthy. I think you should just do what you think is best and ignore anyone who tells you that your wrong because people suck. LOL!

semele said...

I've actually come into a similar situation recently - surprisingly. I'm an authority on the care of land hermit crabs now after much research - not that I don't still have tons to learn. And it turns out I know someone who has had a crab for 6 years, in awful conditions. Its in gravel, so it cannot bury to molt or destress. Its fed the generic awful store food and yet, its lived fine for 6 years. How do I argue with that? My crabitat is the r0xx0rzist. My friend (who is a friend of the other crab owner also) said if she died, she'd want to be reincarnated as a crab in my tank. Nice, huh? They have climbing hemp and loads of extra shells and the best of everything - even special food. Sigh. So I don't say a thing. If she ever wants to know, I'll be a resource. Until then, my crabs are doing great - all 6 of them. :)