Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let's all do the Windchill!

Winter is hitting Ontario nice and hard today and tomorrow. I think it's mad because it's almost over, although I'm sure we'll get more snow and stuff in March.Today it's -13C out(about 8F) and a biting -25C with the wind chill(-13F) So we got to put on all our winter clothes for the walk to school. Even I have ski pants I wear under my full length coat when it's this cold. In full gear I'm not cold at all - the kids still complain some though so I don't think their winter gear is quite as good as mine.I actually pull my hat down further and pull my scarf over my face more when I'm outside and you'll notice I don't have my glasses on(they fog up when it's this cold and I have a scarf over my face). My full gear is Boots, Ski pants, full length winter coat with hood, hat with ear flaps, scarf and gloves - all in black to collect any warmth from the sun if it's shining.K is wearing a snowsuit(coat with a hood & ski pants), and the hood of both her hooded sweatshirt and her coat up and gloves ... she has a scarf but didn't wear it even though I told her to. A has on a snow suit, a ski mask and gloves. M has on a snow suit, a hat and gloves and also has a shirt tired on to use as a scarf(I need to buy her a lightweight scarf like I use). They are all also wearing winter boots. It takes a good 10 to 15 minutes to get everyone geared up to go out when it is this cold but it's worth it to have some peace while the kids are at school!

Cass :)

1 comment:

semele said...

Current conditions in south Florida: 69 F with scattered clouds.