Friday, August 31, 2007

I felt like a kid again!!

So Wednesday night I got together with a friend of mine,T, and we went to the YMCA and had a mini-spa evening :) Basically we were supposed to get together for a no kids evening back on Monday but she had to bow out because Monday ended up being a super busy day for her. So I took the kids to the mall to do the shopping I had been thinking of doing with T.

Life being what it is she called me up on Wednesday and checked with me if it was okay if she was going to be quite late(like closer to 9pm than 8pm) at that point I had an idea; Why not go hang out at the YMCA then? I could shave and have a nice soak in the hot tub and she could get a better feel for what the Y is like since she is planning on getting a membership. She loved the idea so that's what we did. The main reason I was particularly interested in shaving was because I had managed to rip the hair out of one leg but couldn't face doing the other one ... yeah my mustache was no trouble but I forgot one thing. My mustache has been waxed before ... my legs haven't!! My son thought it was very funny because I made horrid faces after each time I ripped. I have cruel children! /hehe/. It was really funny that night because I had made the mistake of telling the kids I was going out after the had gone to sleep ... so then they wouldn't fall asleep. Finally I told them I wasn't going after all, 10 minutes later they were both asleep. In fact, when T got here at about 9:15pm everyone in the house was asleep but me. She came to my computer room window and whispered "Quick! Lets make a run for it!" and away we went. Of course, being slimmer than I am she insisted we walk the track for 20 minutes before we went back to the change room to shower and soak. Happily my YMCA is open until 11pm on weeknights and the Plus Change room was empty except for us.

It was so nice to get out away from the kids and the house! I told T we have got to plan on doing this twice a month for sure - I love getting together with my friends one friend at a time! The biggest thing for me was to be out after dark ... I rarely am so it's always a treat for me.

Thanks again T!

Cass :)

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