Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Lazy July is lazy - finally an update.

Sorry for the long silence. I have been quite enjoying the whole no kids in school deal and doing only what I have to. No onto the update!

I have a few shots from K's grade 8 graduation ... I can't believe she'll be in high school this fall. First shot is K leaving the house in her grad gown.K got an excellence in math award! She was top in her class in math-we were all surprised and happy. Here is a bad shot of her getting her award.Finally we have a shot of K with her BFF M both of them all dressed up for grad and a better shot of K's award(M got an award as well for overall good marks).M also got an academic award for being top in her senior kindergarten class but that picture is still on my camera, sorry. Here is a picture of her sleeping on my bed with S instead.Speaking of my furry children ... here are more shots of them. M cat snoozin' in J's computer chair.Our new cat C sleeping on the basement window cat shelf. C is going in for spay on Jul 10th, I'm hoping it'll cut back on the meowing she's been doing. She could be in heat again but I hope not - the vet won't operate on her if she's in heat.

Now for more pet pictures! Here is W wanting into the house.W pwning my dog S.This is a comparison shot so you all can see how small C is. You all saw W alone and W with S so here are W and C.

C is settling in well except for the meowing the last two nights, she also got out of the house twice yesterday but was quickly re-caught both times. The vet said(when we went to get her shots updated) that she is probably about a year old. She weighs 5 lbs after being with us for 2 weeks. I think she will always be tiny tiny and hopefully she'll also be quiet! Any tips on shutting a cat up at night would be appreciated.

I hope everyone is having a great summer!

Cass :)

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