Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Devotion ...

I've noticed over the past few months that S(my dog) is maturing and becoming more and more attached to me. I find the whole situation very flattering.

S is almost always in the same room as I am, all I have to do is look and there she is. At night she either sleeps on the bed with J & I or on the floor on my side of the bed. I take her with me almost everywhere I go because when I'm not home she's not happy. She doesn't cause trouble but she's not happy even when others are home and I really do prefer to have her with me. She makes me feel safe.

Her behavior on walks has improved a great deal and her focus on me is much better. I figure it's maturity setting in since she'll be 2 years old in November. When she was younger she used to run up to people on our walks(if she was off leash) and jump up on them. Now if she is off leash she'll walk by them and only lift her nose up enough to get a good sniff in as she passes. I tell people that look nervous "If you ignore her, she'll ignore you." I've even had her totally snub people that wanted to pet her.

I'd also like to note her reaction to any male coming to the house. The only men that seem acceptable to her are J and her best dog friend's 'daddy'(my good friend's husband). Otherwise she is very suspicions of men. I haven't had any strange women come to the house recently to tell you how she feels about women, she's fine with all my friends. We recently had a couple quotes done about getting a new furnace. In each case I told the men not to try to make nice with S as when some hot water installers tried that a few months ago she got very upset with them(barking and growling and backing off) and I had to put her outside while they were here. I think she made them nervous as she watched them both closely the whole time they were near me and would quietly growl at them from time to time. I didn't tell her she was bad I just stroked her and said it was okay and to shush, that seemed to be enough to keep her calm.

I can't explain the level of attention S gives me but it is a truly amazing thing to me and I just wanted to share. I hope she knows I love her too. She's my dog - but I'm her person too.

Cass :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

What I was going to say but never got round to until now...

S sounds like such an amazing dog. It seems a lot of female dogs do not like men much (and they shouldn't! We should learn from our canine friends!!!) but the ones they do know they adore (most of the time, at least Adam's favourite dog loves him but hate his friends).

It's good to hear that she is learning everything you've been doing with her, I guess it just shows her respect for you as her master.

You must feel so much love for her and I would too if she was mine :) She sounds like a wonderful animal to have around, especialy with your little 'uns :)

May you have many happy times to come xx