Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What a toilet!!

I just had to share this with everyone because it is so very cool and just blows my mind!

This is the coolest toilet, EVAR!

Very Cool Toilet

The draw back? The over $3000 price tag!!

In action Video.

/gapes in awe/

/feels silly/


Cass :)

PS : This Sink is perfect! Oh and I like This Toilet.

/grin/ AND I got my birthday present early :) I asked for a new toilet seat and since the lid(not seat just lid) of our old seat came off on the weekend J took pity on me and bought me the seat I wanted Here it is! I really like it and installed it before I did anything else.


semele said...

All these birthdays and no posts?

Cassandra said...

Yeah, yeah I know. The few pictures I took(mostly of the cakes for K & M) are on the camera. I am also overdue with the Halloween pictures.

There is no shot of my cake because I baked myself cookies instead:)

I'll get to it sometime before Xmas, maybe, I've been having too much fun Simming, as you know :)