Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's so sad!!

For a short while there I was entertaining the idea of us getting a second dog, J has kept the brakes on that idea long enough for me to realize(once again) that we can only really responsibly care for one cat and one dog at a time. I have regular play dates for S so she gets a chance to play with other dogs so she's not that lonely.

Unfortunately I have gotten in the habit of checking Kijiji for "free to good home" ads as well as looking at local shelters and it kills me that all these poor dogs are being dumped. "We're moving into a no pets place." is too common - if you had kids would you move into a "no kids" place?!? I mean really. I ~think~ we could give a second dog a good home but it would be hard if there were any unforeseen issues with health ... also there is the whole issue with space. We have 5 people, a dog and a cat in our just under 1000 square foot home. Sure we have a giant yard(I'd say about 5000 square feet) but that doesn't help when we're all sitting in the 100 square foot living room on a winter night watching TV.

It just makes me so sad - all those poor dogs. I'm not even going to think too deeply about the thousands of cats and kittens I have seen "free to good home" as well as in shelters. Why is society still not spaying an neutering? Bob Barker always said that at the end of his show, you remember? Poor Bob, all those years and it seems like people are still being dumb and just not doing it.

Cass :(


semele said...

On the eve of your new dog, you should reread what you wrote in this blog.

Cassandra said...

I know what I wrote and it is full of common sense and logic.

Common sense and logic would have also dictated that I only have 1 child since our home is only a two bedroom.

Common sense and logic would dictate that I work at something outside the home to help with the financial burden on J.

Common sense and logic have not had a leading role in my life, ever. I deal with how things make me feel and I find a way to make things work.

Both J & I liked the look of Bobby and he also kept looking back at the site where he was posted. I know I pushed some but I still stand by my choice.

I met Bobby last night and he is a beautiful dog and I am proud to have the chance to give him a better life when others decided against him.

The adoption fee has been paid(by J btw) - why are you trying to get me to turn back now?

Cass :)