Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hey look! It's summertime!

I have everyone but the cat and myself in this blog - I even managed to get a couple shots of my man :)First things first, this is what my house looks like at 6:30am:M is awake and has eaten her breakfast.S is still willing to lay down.A is not awake.Neither is K, although she is stirring.

I got a nice few shots of S in J's lap - in this one she looks like she's telling him a dirty joke, wink and all. LOL Here's another shot of our lap dog in action - J is the only once she'll jump up on like this. She knows how to get into his good graces :)

The kids were playing with the camera and ended up with these shots of each other:

On with more puppy shots, first the size shots and then the Aww shots :)
She didn't want to pose :)

That's it for me this week. Four school days until sumer break starts, the weather has been nice and cool lately so I'm happy and the house is not to bad clean-wise. All is good in my world :)

Cass :)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Yes - I AM still alive :)

Sorry for the long silence - I was binge slacking and then I ended up reading two very long books in under a week(also called binge reading). So this weekend I have been attempting to get on top of all the housework I didn't do, yeah, uh-huh. :)

I also have a bridge that I'm selling :)

It's been a busy almost month since I last posted and I am sorry for the long silence. I promise there are lots of nice pictures in this entry and they aren't all of the puppy(who is 6 months and around 40 pounds now).

After S's spay(the beginning of May) I moved into A's room with him and the dog to keep an ear on her - I shouldn't have bothered she never licked. The down side, other than not sleeping in my own bed, was that the kids would often wake me - although this shot if of them getting me up from a nap not in the morning :)

S has made a full recovery and was back to her old self within days even though we tried to get her to take it easy.

In other adventures K brought me a freakishly tall dandelion ... ... we both thought it was picture worthy:)

I took the following shots one day when I was laying on the couch watching TV, the camera happened to be next to me and I laughed when I looked over and saw this in the two chairs across from me.In my man's chair was the cat ...... In my chair was the puppy. I thought it was very funny :)

My good friend L took these shots of S and her PugXBeagle she calls Pugsley. I want to give credit where credit is due and if it's blurry at all it's because of picture coding I use not the picture itself.

Just this past Friday the kids and I all got our hair cut. Everyone opted for short as it's been super hot here the last few days.I forgot to get a shot of K - but she has short hair now as well.

Now onto cute puppy shots :)

I remain, as always, Mommy :)